Tales of Three Hemispheres
by: Lord Dunsany (1878 - 1957)
The Last Dream Of Bwona Khubla - 10:08
How the Office of Postman Fell Vacant In Otford-under-the-Wold - 12:07
The Prayer Of Boob Aheera - 07:41
East And West - 08:53
A Pretty Quarrel - 06:24
How The Gods Avenged Meoul Ki Ning - 04:24
The Gift Of The Gods - 05:00
The Sack Of Emeralds - 08:12
The Old Brown Coat - 12:05
An Archive Of The Older Mysteries - 03:38
A City Of Wonder - 03:31
Beyond the Fields We Know - 02:29
First Tale: Idle Days on the Yann - 43:23
Second Tale: A Shop In Go-By Street - 20:31
Third Tale: The Avenger Of Perdóndaris - 34:53